Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Funny Guggenheim

So we just got back from Arizona, where hubby goes to golf every year after the holidays. He goes to Casa Grande and meets up with some other guys, mostly guys from Minnesota who want to escape winter in the great white north. I went with him two years ago and, while he was golfing, I went up to the Grand Canyon and took a bunch of pictures. Last year I didn't go, but this year I decided I would tag along again.

One day, while he was golfing, I took myself up to Phoenix to visit Taliesin West. This is where Frank Lloyd Wright built his second Taliesin home, the first being in Spring Green, Wisconsin. He also established a school of architecture and the winter campus is here. Me being the FLW freak that I am, had to see it. I started out with a 90 minute guided desert hike, to see the landscape that inspired the design of the house. Also, the students design and build their own 'shelters,' where they live while they are going to school here. Pretty fancy shelter, if you ask me.

After the hike, I had another 90 minute tour of the house and school. If I had to sit down and dream up one of the best days ever, it would have been close to this one. Wonderful hike, perfect weather, actually being in a FLW structure, getting to see all of this up close and personal. Yup, nearly perfect. Then I went into the gift store and the perfection was complete. I have to say I spent a semi-obscene amount of money in there, which I VERY rarely do. I have enough coffee mugs and T-shirts, but I had to have one of each. I found some beautiful FLW inspired earrings for Jessica, and some placemats for my dining room table (which will be removed before anyone eats there). But the coolest thing I found was a Lego set of the Guggenheim museum in New York City. I love Legos, I was disappointed when the kids were old enough to put theirs together themselves. So here is the original in NYC . . .

. . . and here is my own little Guggenheim, which I spent the last hour assembling.

Sometimes I'm such a geek. I have to say, though, I'm kind of kicking myself for not getting the Falling Waters Lego set also.


Anonymous Di said...

You are so lucky that you are able to travel and see and do all the things you want to. There are so mandy places and things I will never get the chance to see or do. Owning your own business is not always the best thing. We have no one to answer to, but also no one to step in and take over for awhile, or to blame when things get screwed up........

7:11 PM  
Blogger Jeff and Charli Lee said...

That is cute. Now you just need to get the Star Wars Lego set and stage an assault on your Gug with a couple of X-wings. At least that's what I'd do.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Mom Thumb said...

di - Traveling is my favorite thing, I wish I could make a living at it! We have our own business also, but it doesn't really tie us down like a NAPA store would, so yes, we are lucky.

jeff - I think I may have to do that, it sounds like a blast!

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Bill said...

Welcome back to bloging. You know there are lots of people that make a good living while writing about their travels. The best part is staying in first class with the gourmet meals.

10:02 AM  
Blogger KiddoKare1 said...

Awesome pictures, and I love the Legos! My little kids love, love, love Legos!

10:43 AM  
Blogger Mom Thumb said...

bill - We did stay at a nice resort in Arizona, but I was tracking down the places is see on food network's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives to eat. Some of the best food ever!

tracy - I have tubs and tubs of Legos I need to sort through and hand down to you. I love the Legos also!

7:54 AM  
Blogger KiddoKare1 said...

Linda, my boys would be forever grateful to you for more Legos! LOL. Do you have any Lincoln Logs you'd want to sell? LOL I'm having the hardest time finding those.

9:38 AM  
Blogger Mom Thumb said...

tracy - They actually had Lincoln Logs at the gift store at Taliesin. Apparently Frank Lloyd Wright's son invented them. Unfortunately, we got rid of ours when we moved to Enid (along with the Tinkertoys and Mr. Potato Heads, lol).

8:13 AM  
Blogger KiddoKare1 said...

Linda, the boys have told me they have Lincoln Logs at Atwoods (I haven't been in to look). I just keep hoping that I'll find some used first.

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awsome pictures!! I agree with Bill----the way you describe things, and the beautiful pictures you take--you could easily make money doing that. But---I 'spose like Jeff, you need someone to hire you!!! Anyway--enjoyed your blog!

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Lois said...

Shoot!! I wrote in my name, and it printed anonymous, instead of Lois.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Bill said...

You should have stayed in Arizona, where the weather is a lot better than in Enid and Oklahoma City. We people in Dulluth feel sorry for you.---Bill

5:35 PM  
Blogger Mom Thumb said...

lois - I think I'm going to ask the travel channel to sponsor my trip from one end of Route 66 to the other. ;-)

bill - You should feel sorry for us, these people don't know how to deal with this kind of weather.

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you live there with such terrible weather. (that's what they used to say about Duluth)--bill

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:26 PM  
Anonymous オテモヤン said...

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3:25 PM  

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